Commands List


Displays various statistics about your character, such as the number of votes, the number of resources gathered, the number of mobs killed, and the number of crafts made.



Use the art of alchemy to create new items from basic materials. You can view the list of available recipes by using the command /alchemy list

/alchemy [list | liste]
/alchemy [item] [number]


Fight other players in the arena to earn different rewards, such as victory points and exclusive items.



Allows you to block access to certain commands, or to all commands, on different channels. This command is reserved for the server's administrators.

/blacklist status
/blacklist block #channel [command]
/blacklist unblock #channel [command]
/blacklist reset


Buy and open different types of chests that will give you different objects, such as weapons, armor, and accessories. The type of chest you purchase determines the rarity of the items you can obtain.

/chest open [C, A, B, S] [number]
/chest buy [A, B, S] [number]


Every 24 hours, you can collect different rewards, such as experience, points, Shinsu crystals and a royal chest. Note that you can collect the royal chest every time your combo reaches a multiple of 20.



Access your encyclopedia, which contains various information acquired during your progression in the tower and your fights. You can find the list of monsters and bosses you have defeated, as well as the weapons you have obtained or crafted. Additionally, it also includes the alchemy and forging recipes you have discovered. Completing this encyclopedia can increase your chances of finding rare items during your battles.



The command allows you to equip your different objects (Ring, Boot, Weapon, Armor). Note that to unequip an item you just have to redo the command. Additionally, it also allows you to equip your fishing rod.

/equip [id]


You battle against various bosses and enemies using your skills to collect various resources that are useful for your progress in the game.



Welcome to The Blacksmith. Here you can perform different actions, sell your object, destroy them to get basic materials, or infuse shinsu crystals in your object, but also create object.

/forge sell [id]
/forge destroy [id]
/forge infuse [id]
/forge create
/forge informations
/forge refine [id1] [id2]


While exploring the environment, you have the opportunity to pick up various items that are useful for your progression, such as weapons, armor, potions, or crafting materials.



Displays the list of commands available in the game.

/help [commands]


Every hours you can collect different rewards such as Xp, Points, Shinsu Crystal, Silver Chest. Note that you can collect the chest every time your combo reaches a multiple of 20.



Displays the different statistics of the bot, such as the number of servers it is present on, the number of users, etc.



Displays various relevant links related to the Bot, website or Discord server.



Allows you to change your game language or enforce a language on your server.



Open different lootboxes to get various rewards, such as items, resources, or special equipment.

/lootbox information
/lootbox open [lootboxType] [number]


Allows you to move around in the various notable locations on the floor.

/move move [place]
/move informations
/move cancel
/move list


Consult the list of your various equipment (Weapon, Armor, Ring, Boots), as well as your tools, such as the fishing rod.

/pocket [page]


Access your information, statistics, equipment, and materials.



View your ongoing quests and their progress.



Create reminders to remember different commands or actions to be performed.

/remindme add [type]
/remindme list
/remindme remove [type]
/remindme auto_remind [all_true | all_false | type | status]


Check your different skills, improve them using skill books of different levels, and equip them to use them.

/skills inventory
/skills information
/skills upgrade [skills]
/skills equip [slot] [skills]


Talk with different people to advance your adventure!



Check the general ranking of players, including their level, current floor, accumulated points, and unlocked encyclopedia elements.

/top [local] [page]


View the quests and information about the floor you are on. You can also start your ascent in the tower. But also change floors or choose your main position in battle.

/tower quest
/tower informations
/tower teleport [floor]
/tower positions
/tower next
/tower start
/tower reset


Use your statistics points to improve your skills and become stronger.

/train use [stats] [number]
/train reset
/train informations


Allows you to vote for the bot on and in return you will receive a reward as a thank you.



Facilitates the management of your guild with commands such as: display information, upgrade structures, create, delete, get help, add to inventory, invite members, and quit.

/guild information
/guild structures upgrade
/guild create
/guild delete
/guild help
/guild inventory add
/guild invite
/guild quit